Fellow Federationists:
Happy Spring! As the weather warms and the buds bloom, our excitement about being together at the NFB National Convention in New Orleans is palpable. In the last month, the NFB of Maryland has been very busy working on legislative advocacy, case work to ensure equal access to education, government services, and employment, and planning for a robust spring and summer. Our organization has also worked tangibly to demonstrate that we can live the lives we want. Just today, Dan Parker, a blind man, broke a world record to become the fastest person to drive a car blindfolded. Dan reached a speed of 211.0 miles per hour! In the NFB, we turn dreams into reality. Please read below for information and important announcements.
The National Federation of the Blind and the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland each administer a separate scholarship program for post-secondary students. Both scholarships have been significantly enhanced this year. The deadline to apply for an NFB scholarship is March 31, 2022, and the deadline to apply for an NFBMD Scholarship is April 15, 2022.
Each year, the NFB awards 30 merit-based scholarships totaling $240,000.
The NFB of Maryland will award up to four scholarships of $4,000 each as part of the John T. McCraw Scholarship Program. NFBMD may award a scholarship to a former McCraw scholarship recipient.
In light of the pandemic and the suspension of in-person chapter meetings, NFBMD maintains an online portal for individuals to pay their chapter and division dues. We are asking members to pay their 2022 dues as soon as possible so we can ensure that our rolls are accurate for the annual national membership data call.
Individuals may use NFBMD’s Dues Portal to pay their 2022 annual dues, and/or lifetime membership dues for those chapters that have lifetime membership. The portal lists all NFBMD chapters and divisions and their dues amounts. Individuals may pay for as many chapters and divisions as they wish. The portal is located at http://nfbmd.org/dues. Alternatively, individuals may mail a check to their chapter or division treasurer.
The NFB 2022 National Convention will take place from July 5 – 10, 2022 in New Orleans Louisiana. We are very excited to pass the convention hosting torch to the Louisiana affiliate. The convention will take place at the New Orleans Marriott, and you may make your reservation by calling 800-654-3990. The overflow hotel is the Sheraton New Orleans, and the Exhibit Hall will be located here. To reserve a room at the overflow hotel, call 855-516-1090. The rooming rate is $109 per night plus tax at both hotels for single and double occupancy (triples and quads cost more). Preregistration for the convention opened on March 1 and will close May 31, 2022.
First time national convention attendees may apply for the Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship, which is a grant the NFB provides to people who have not attended a national convention in person previously. The deadline is April 15, 2022. Visit this link for more information on how to apply. https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention/kenneth-jernigan-convention-scholarship
We can’t wait to see you in New Orleans!
We continue to advocate for our legislative priorities at the Maryland General Assembly. We are making significant progress on SB0617 / HB0547, the Accountability Act for Accessible K-12 Education for Students with Disabilities, but we need your help. The Senate passed the bill on March 3, 2022; the bill moved to the House of Delegates for consideration, and there was a hearing on the Senate version of the Bill in the House Ways and Means Committee on March 24, 2022.
Meanwhile, the House Ways and Means Committee has not taken action on the House version of the bill at all and has not voted on the Senate version of the bill either. We are running out of time, as the Legislature will adjourn for the year on April 11, 2022. We need our bills to get favorable votes from the Ways and Means Committee as soon as possible.
We are asking you to contact two individuals to urge them to schedule a vote on the bills.
The NFBMD spring raffle is underway. During the month of May, you have the opportunity to win $50 Sunday through Friday, or $100 on Saturday. Purchase a 3-digit number raffle ticket for $5. You will be the only one who has this number. Tickets are available from chapter presidents and affiliate Board Members. Help us sell all 1,000 tickets!
As the affiliate, chapters, and divisions begin resuming and/or increasing in-person activities such as fundraisers, chapter meetings, and seminars, please remember that the NFB of Maryland Board of Directors adopted a Policy on In-Person Gatherings, which is applicable to all events and activities. You can review the policy by visiting: https://nfbmd.org/eventpolicy.
The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland will be hosting a cruise fundraiser from December 3 – 10, 2023. The affiliate will receive a portion of the cost of each cabin that is booked. All are welcome, including members of the NFBMD, other affiliates, families, colleagues, and friends. For additional information, please contact our travel agent, Cindy Kiper at ckiper@dreamvacations.com or 813-418-0647.
Details are as follows:
Key Dates:
Types and prices of cabins (this is a per person price based on double occupancy and includes cabin fee, port charges, and taxes); we have a limited number of cabins, so prices may change once our block is filled.
Note: Cabin types are going first come first serve, so please email to inquire about availability.
Initial Deposit of $25 per person can be made in one of two ways:
*Online payments add an additional $2 per person for processing.
We hope you will join us on this incredible trip.
One key priority in 2022 is for NFBMD to conduct a robust membership building effort. This is based on the needs and desires of several chapters within Maryland. The Board of Directors voted in January to reorganize the Baltimore County Chapter; in addition, the Western Maryland Chapter reorganized in mid-2021 and is working to expand its size and presence. The Eastern Shore Chapter has determined that it too needs to expand its prominence, size, and presence. The Greater Baltimore Chapter has determined there are many blind and low vision people in the local area to whom it wishes to reach out. The TLC Chapter has decided it too is committed to continuing to grow. Every chapter and division in Maryland expressed a desire and commitment to recruiting, developing, and retaining members.
As a result, our Membership Committee, led by Dezman Jackson, will be working on various membership initiatives in 2022. We need your help! If you know of blind and low vision Marylanders who are not yet members of the Federation, please introduce them to their local chapter. Please share ideas with Dezman and me as to how we can connect with people who are not yet members or how to reconnect with those whose membership has lapsed. Please invite those individuals to share with you, with Dezman, and with me, what they would want to get from membership in the Federation and any barriers to joining. Please let Dezman and me know if you are interested in supporting the Membership Committee with recruitment and retention initiatives. Membership building is truly the responsibility of each of us, and we need your help!
NFBMD is actively working to expand our knowledge of and emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. These initiatives also include those related to sexual harassment and misconduct, consent, boundaries, and power dynamics. It is our intent that NFB of Maryland activities, events, and programs be safe and welcoming to all, and to that end we are devoting resources and time to increase our awareness and enhance our strategies on DEI. Qualik Ford and Bill Borner co-chair this committee. We encourage those interested in joining the committee to reach out to me at President@nfbmd.org.
The Committee provides state-wide guidance and support to chapters and the affiliate on DEI. One goal for 2022 is to increase the presence of DEI in our activities and to hold more DEI-focused activities. The Committee has and will continue to share informational communications on certain topics and observances to promote DEI but needs assistance in this area from those with lived experience and/or expertise. One particular highlight was a day-long training for all elected affiliate, chapter, and division board members, the DEI committee, the scholarship committee, the membership committee, and those working with children. This training occurred on March 5, 2022 and featured an introduction to diversity, equity, and inclusion; recognizing and minimizing micro-aggressions; and understanding and combatting implicit bias.
If you have questions about these initiatives or have suggestions for how we can best incorporate DEI into our programs, please don’t hesitate to contact me at President@nfbmd.org or at 443-426-4110.
The NFB BELL Academy provides children with Braille and nonvisual skills instruction through fun, hands-on learning activities. The NFB BELL Academy—which stands for National Federation of the Blind Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning®—is a nationwide (United States and Puerto Rico) summer program that prepares blind and low-vision children to grow into confident and independent blind people who live the lives they want. Activities at NFB Maryland BELL are provided in a day program. In addition to Braille crafts, games, and other engaging projects, children learn vital independent living skills, interact with blind adult mentors, and enjoy field trips to sites related to the NFB BELL Academy curriculum. Through these activities and interactions, the children learn that blindness or low vision does not define them or their future.
The NFB BELL Academy is appropriate for blind and low vision children ages four through twelve who:
The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland is offering one two-week in person NFB BELL Academy session in Baltimore, Maryland, From July 25, 2022 – August 5, 2022. The National Federation of the Blind is also offering one three-week virtual program of the NFB BELL Academy In-Home Edition July 18 through August 5, 2022, for which options are available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students. Space is limited.
To register for NFB BELL Academy In Person in Baltimore or In Home Edition, visit: https://nfb.org/programs-services/nfb-bell-academy. For questions, contact NFB of Maryland NFB BELL Academy Coordinator Brittany Bomboy at 757-969-3724 or by email at Bnbomboy@gmail.com.
Would you like to brush up on your advocacy skills for yourself and others? Save the dates: April 30, May 21, August 20, and October 1. We will explore a different advocacy issue each of these days. The trainings will take place on these Saturday afternoons, from 1:30 to 5:00, over zoom.
On April 30, we will discuss the general advocacy considerations. We will look at such questions as how to help and when to help.
On May 21, we will discuss how to further employment by using DORS and how to keep that dream job if discrimination occurs.
On August 20, we will tackle how to get the best IEP for students.
On October 1, we will explore avoiding social security pitfalls.
Please register for the April 30 session by sending an email to nfbmdsm@gmail.com.