Fellow Federationists:


As we move further into summer, we are busier than ever in the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland.  We’ve returned from a fabulous convention in Houston, and we’ve conducted one of our NFB BELL Academies and are in the midst of three others, including In Home Edition.  Our chapters and divisions are hard at work on events and activities, and we’re preparing for our 2023 State Convention in November.  Read on for important information about our activities.


Get ready for Orlando in 2024!

The NFB 2024 National Convention will take place from July 3 – 8, 2024 in Orlando, Florida.  The convention will take place at the Rosen Center Hotel.  Mark your calendars for Orlando in 2024. 


Attend the NFBMD Board of Directors Meeting and Convention Planning Retreat

Everyone is invited to attend the NFB of Maryland Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, August 26, 2023 to help us plan the state convention.  At this time, we plan to meet in person and are not able to offer a hybrid option.  We will be meeting at the Convention Hotel, the Delta Hotel by Marriott Baltimore Hunt Valley located at 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley.  The meeting will begin at 9:00 and end at 3:30.  Lunch will be available for purchase.  To RSVP, please contact me at (443) 426-4110 or President@nfbmd.org.  Individuals who plan to attend should let me know by August 14, 2023; they should advise whether they intend to purchase lunch, whether they have any dietary restrictions, and whether they need any reasonable accommodations to participate.


Expect Much, Give Much, Get Much: The State Convention is Coming!

You will not want to miss the state convention at the Delta Hotel by Marriott Baltimore Hunt Valley in Hunt Valley which takes place on November 10 - 12, 2023.  Come and meet our National Representative.  You may reserve your room by calling the Delta at 410-785-7000.  Convention Room Rates:  Standard Room - $104 per night. Tax on sleeping rooms is 17.5%.  These room rates start on Thursday, November 9, 2023.  The deadline for making room reservations is October 15, 2023. 


Pre-registration is open through October 15, 2023.  Visit https://nfbmd.org/convention  to register online, or look in your mailbox for hard copy registration forms.   


Below are the prices for the various convention activities (prices are per person unless otherwise stated):

  • Pre-registration = $25 until October 15, 2023; $30 on-site
  • Banquet ticket = $55 until October 15, 2023; $60 on-site
  • Parent, Senior, or Student Luncheon ticket = $30 until October 15, 2023; $35 on-site
  • Friday boxed lunch = $20 until October 15, 2023; $25 on-site
  • Dinner & a Play ticket = $25 until October 15, 2023; $25 on-site
  • Transportation from New Carrollton Train Station = $50 until October 15, 2023; this covers round-trip travel
  • Childcare = $30 per day and on sliding scale based on need


Financial Assistance Application for State Convention – Due September 15, 2023!

Individuals who wish to request financial assistance to attend the 2023 NFB of Maryland State Convention must complete and submit a Financial Assistance Application Form no later than September 15, 2023.  Individuals are encouraged to first check with their local chapters and divisions to see what financial assistance may be available.  If a member’s chapter does not have a financial assistance program, or if there is still unmet financial need, members may complete and submit the form to the State affiliate.  In order to be eligible for financial assistance, applicants must provide: 1) proof of preregistration; and 2) a letter of support from the individual’s local chapter.  More information about the NFBMD Financial Assistance Application Form is available at https://nfbmd.org/financialassistance.  For questions, please contact me at 443-426-4110 or at President@nfbmd.org.


Seeking Resolutions for the State Convention

The Convention is the supreme authority of the National Federation of the Blind, and this too is true of the affiliates.  One of the most important charges of the Convention is to consider and vote on resolutions that come before it; those resolutions become the policy of the organization.  To that end, individuals interested in submitting resolutions should send them to NFBMD Resolutions Chairperson Chris Danielsen by email at cdanielsen@nfb.org by October 15, 2023.


Seeking Convention Sponsors and Exhibitors

We are seeking sponsors for our 2023 NFB of Maryland State Convention.  There are various levels of sponsorship, and the various levels include different benefits.  Entities and individuals interested in serving as an NFBMD Convention sponsor should contact me at President@nfbmd.org or Jen White at Jwhite@nfb.org to request additional information.  Sponsorship forms and additional information may also be found at https://nfbmd.org/convention.


We are also seeking exhibitors for our Friday Exhibit Hall.  Individuals and entities interested in exhibiting should also contact me at President@nfbmd.org or Jen White at Jwhite@nfb.org to request additional information.  Exhibitor forms are available for download at https://nfbmd.org/convention


The sponsorship and exhibitor deadlines are September 15, 2023.


Seeking Door Prize Donations

We are seeking donations of door prizes to give away at the NFB of Maryland Annual Convention.  Door prizes should have a cash value of a minimum of $25 each.  For questions, please contact Door Prize Co-chairs Qualik Ford at QSFord@outlook.com and Juhi Narula at juhin13@gmail.com.  Please bring door prizes to the convention.


Seeking Donations for the NFBMD Bake and Experience Auction!

We are seeking donations of baked goods and experiences for the NFBMD auction.  Some examples of experiences include taking the winner to dinner, giving cooking lessons, musical or show tickets, etc.  We are asking for donation commitments prior to October 31, 2023.  Please notify Convention Logistics chairperson Justin Young of your donation via email at Jyoung@nfb.org.


Seeking Nominations for the NFBMD Distinguished Educator of Blind Students Award!

The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland is seeking nominations for the 2023 Distinguished Educator of Blind Children Award. Please tell us how your child’s teacher, administrator, or school counselor works to help their students live the life they want with high expectations and strong skill development. Nominations should be sent to Committee Chairperson Teresa Graham at  teresagraham3@gmail.com. To download the nomination form and for more information, visit http://nfbmd.org/node/317.  For assistance completing the form or for questions, please call Teresa Graham at 443-557-8696. The award will be presented at the NFB of Maryland state convention Banquet on November 11, 2023.  Nominations are due by October 8, 2023. 


Help Us Out With a Zell Donation!

NFB of Maryland is proud to share that we can now accept Zell payments for purchases and donations.  We encourage donations during the next few months in particular, as we have significant programming we need to fund with our NFB BELL Academies and John T. McCraw Scholarship Program, among many other important initiatives.


To send a payment via Zell, just use the email address President@nfbmd.org.  Please notate what the payment is for, e.g. general donation, crab feast ticket, etc. in the notes section.  If using your bank mobile application or online banking, NFB of Maryland will appear when you enter the email address.  If using the Zell application, please select “personal banking” instead of “corporate banking” for the Zell information for NFBMD to appear in connection with the email address President@nfbmd.org.


If you have questions, please contact me at 443-426-4110 or at President@nfbmd.org.



2023 State Convention Theme

Each year, we choose a State Convention theme that is representative of our hope, priorities, or expectations for the convention and what comes after.  Recent themes have included: “Celebrating our Stories, Defining our Future,” “Rise Up,” “Focus Forward,” and “Reconnect, Reimagine, Reignite.”


We use the theme to inform the opening ceremonies, tie together the presidential report, and hold seminars and other activities. 


The 2023 Convention theme is: Expect Much, Give Much, Get Much!  The winner of the theme submission contest is Judy Rasmussen!  Congratulations, Judy!


Crabbing for Student Scholarships

Please purchase your tickets today for the NFB of Maryland Annual Crab Feast.  This fundraiser supports the John T McCraw Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships to blind post-secondary education students.

When: Friday, September 15, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Where: Rosedale Gardens – 8037Philadelphia Road - Baltimore, MD 21237

Tickets are $70 each if purchased before August 31, or $75 afterword’s. Children 6 and under are free. 

Special Promotion: Buy or Sell 25 or more tickets and get your ticket FREE!

Dancing, 50 / 50 Raffle, Door Prizes, and more.

Menu Includes:
Steamed Crabs, fried chicken, beef Bar B Que – All You Can Eat!
Plus a Buffet of Entrees Including Maryland-style crab soup, corn-on-the-cob, other sides, salad, fruit, cake…
Yuengling and Miller beer
Carbonated Beverages, iced tea, and Coffee

To purchase tickets, visit http://www.nfbmd.org/crabs

For additional information contact me at (443) 426-4110 or email President@NFBMD.org


Remember to Pay Your 2023 Dues!

NFBMD maintains an online portal for individuals to pay their chapter and division dues.  We are asking members to pay their 2023 dues as soon as possible so we can ensure that our rolls are accurate for the annual national membership data call. 


Individuals may use NFBMD’s Dues Portal to pay their 2023 annual dues and/or lifetime membership dues for those chapters that have lifetime membership.  The portal lists all NFBMD chapters and divisions and their dues amounts.  Individuals may pay for as many chapters and divisions as they wish.  One dollar will be added to chapter and division annual dues amounts for processing those dues payments online.  The portal is located at http://nfbmd.org/dues.  Alternatively, individuals may mail a check to their chapter or division treasurer.



Important Upcoming Dates

  • September 15, 2023 – NFBMD Crab Feast, Rosedale, Maryland
  • October 1 – 31, 2023 – Blind Equality Achievement Month
  • October 6 – 8, 2023 – Wizarding Weekend on Magical Main Festival, Ellicott City, Maryland
  • October 21, 2023 – NFB Greater Baltimore Chapter Meet the Blind Month Activity: Baltimore Running Festival Water Station, Baltimore, Maryland
  • November 10 – 12, 2023 – NFBMD Annual Convention, Hunt Valley, Maryland
  • December 3 – 10, 2023 – NFBMD Blind Cruising 2023, Bahamas
  • January 18, 2024 – NFBMD Day in Annapolis, Annapolis, Maryland
  • January 29 – February 1, 2024 – Washington Seminar, Washington, DC
  • July 3 – 8, 2024 – NFB National Convention, Orlando, Florida