NFBMD Convention Caucus - July 4 8PM

Join us at the NFB of Maryland Caucus!

Date: Thursday, July 4, 2024
Time: 8:00PM
Location: Rosen Center Hotel, Salon 1

Bring your banquet tickets for Banquet Ticket Exchange!

Hear about the happenings in NFBMD, meet the 2024-2025 John T. McCraw Scholarship class, mix and mingle, and more!

We will make every effort for this meeting to be a hybrid so those participating in the Convention virtually can also participate in the caucus.  However, we do not know how well the technology will work.  Access information for the virtual aspect of the caucus is below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Click this link to join: 
zoom link

Meeting ID: 624 813 8327

Passcode: 63263




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