
February 2017 Minute Message

Congratulations and Thank You
Action Needed
Basket Bingo Is Coming
How to Access the NFB Presidential Release
Save These Important Dates


January 2017 Minute Message

Day in Annapolis
Stories Needed
NFB Needs Help with Technology
Get Ready for Washington Seminar
Other Happenings>
Save These Dates

November Minute Message

Fellow Federationists, Congratulations to Us.

September Message

Fellow Federationists,


August Minute Message

Fellow Federationists,

The Convention Is Coming!

Planning for the Golden Anniversary Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland is in full gear. Come help us celebrate 50 years of progress. 

June Minute Message

Fellow Federationists,

National Convention is Fast Approaching

It is very important for all convention attendees to be present at the Maryland Caucus on Friday, July 1 at 9pm. The meeting will take place in Suwannee 11. Be sure to bring your banquet ticket for banquet exchange. Bring money for Maryland snack bags and be ready to volunteer at the Maryland table in the exhibit hall and be ready to tell us when you will volunteer. For your reference and so you can stop by, especially to purchase instant lottery tickets, the Maryland exhibit table will be C8.

May Minute Message

Fellow Federationists,

Community Outreach

April Minute Message

Fellow Federationists:

Annapolis Update.

Congratulations to us!  The 2016 session of the Maryland General Assembly was very successful.  The General Assembly kept the $250,000 in the 2017 budget that Governor Hogan appropriated for the Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access to Education, Public Information, and Commerce. 


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