The Blind need reading material in specialized formats such as Braille and audio. The Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH) was created to fulfill these special needs in 1968. This library was part of the Division of Library Development and Services within the Maryland State Department of Education.
There was no budget item within the Department of Education for this important program. Thus, for many years, funding for the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped was cut for other educational needs. In 2014, SB 419 was enacted, giving the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped a specific budget within the Department of Education.
Maryland has a state library resource center. Since the Maryland Library for the Blind is a state-wide program and a resource for Blind people, this legislation states that the budget for the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped will be 25% of the budget of the state library resource center. This legislation is very important because now the Maryland Library for the Blind has a specific budget amount in every state budget. Read SB 419 in Word or Read SB 419 in PDF.
In 2017, SB 587/HB 1094 were enacted. This legislation created the state library agency, which moved all library services out of the Maryland State Department of Education. The Library for the Blind has greater visibility in this new state library agency. Read SB 587 in Word or Read SB 587 in PDF.
In 2020, HB 604/SB 326 was enacted into law. This legislation changed the name of the Library of the Blind and Physically Handicapped to the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled. This name change better reflects the mission of the library.
The state library agency is governed by the state library board. This legislation ensures that a Blind person is always a member of this board, so that the needs of the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled will always be represented. Read HB 604 in Word or Read HB 604 in PDF.
NFB Newsline services for the Blind and Print Disabled in Maryland are funded through the Universal Service Trust Fund. This program is managed by the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled. This is outlined in the Human Services § 7-906 (b), distribution of newspapers in a computerized audio format, which reads, “Under the agreement, the State Library Agency shall provide eligible blind and disabled individuals with access to newspapers in a computerized audio format by a qualified entity."
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